Friday, November 16, 2012

A New Day

Today was a perfect reminder to me that each day God gives us is an opportunity for wonderful and glorious things!

It is nothing short of a miracle that my brother-in-law woke up this morning coherent and able to communicate.  He was released from the hospital this evening.

Time with him is most likely still short but we now may be looking at weeks rather than days.

Life is so precious and not a day goes by where I don't thank God for all He has blessed me with...I never ever want to take anything for granted.

My wonderful hard working beautiful children...the most amazing best friend...and (I think) the cutest dog in the world!

Each new day we are given is a blessing from God and not to be wasted.  Because tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone.

*Photos were taken on my walk with Ollie yesterday.

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