Wednesday, December 21, 2016

This is How it Rolls For Me

I was sick last week.

Yep...that's right...sick.

I never get sick - but when I do it's gotta be the busiest week in the year!  

If you were to ask any teacher what is the worst week to be sick, my guess is most of them would say the week before Christmas Break.  There are just soooo many things going on that week!  

So, I found myself trying to juggle all the necessary balls on Monday and Tuesday (feeling just awful) before waving the white flag of defeat Wednesday afternoon and Thursday.  

The necessary balls being juggled were the Christmas concert for school, making sure the kid's parent presents were finished, organizing a class holiday party, Secret Santa shopping for the employee party, preparing for company, and C.J's graduation.  

FYI - not all those things got accomplished.

Anyway, Wednesday afternoon I came home, climbed in bed, and took a nap.  C.J. came over that night to watch some Breaking Bad and I was lying on the couch feverish and coughing and complaining about the timing. I mean, why could this not happen in the middle of January when the prospect of lounging around on the couch for days at a time is much more appealing?

By Friday, the fever was gone and I was able to make it to C.J.'s graduation (like I would have missed that - NOT) but the cough and running nose (like blowing it every 10 minutes) continues to this day - 11 days and counting!   

Unfortunately, I managed to contaminate C.J., who right now just has a cold, and my dad who went to the doctor and was given antibiotics for a sinus and respiratory infection.  

Hopefully we will all recover by Christmas Day.  

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