Saturday, December 17, 2016

Graduation Celebration

When C.J. was little (10 and younger), he talked constantly. He loved the spotlight and did everything he could to be the center of attention wherever he went.  He spent his time singing songs and making up dances so he could be prepared should company ever stop over!  Our home movies from that time period are a combination of C.J. singing, dancing, talking, ect, and C.J. attempting to gain the attention of the person behind the camera who was, at the time, filming somebody/something else.

Since that time, he has gotten progressively quieter and more introverted.  He is now at the point where any kind of attention directed toward him is unwelcome and, most definitely, unwanted.  

So you can imagine how shocked I was when he told me that he was switching his major study to education...a career where you are in front of a crowd daily talking and being an introvert is not an option.  But he has surprised me and has loved his time spent teaching in the classroom.  

Yesterday, we celebrated the culmination of all his hard work as he graduated from the University of Central Florida.  

The graduates starting entering at 8:38 and finally ended at 9:10!   I thought we were in for a long morning.  But, actually, it was very nicely done...the speakers kept it short and to the point and they read through the lists of names pretty quickly so the whole thing only took a couple hours.  

Of course...C.J.'s name went something like this... Christopher Lee (long pause) Ko(long o sound) eck.  

After the ceremony Chris treated everyone to lunch at Seasons 52 in Altamonte Springs for lunch.  

Now C.J embarks on his career teaching 6th grade history at a school in Orlando.  Best wishes, son.  

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