Wednesday, August 10, 2016

STILL Waiting

In 2004, I was lead teacher/acting director of a day care center in Palm Coast, FL when I found out a new charter school was opening in the city.  I didn't really like my job because it was too much desk and office work and my enjoyment comes from working with the kids.  

So, I submitted an application.  Honestly, I don't even remember submitting a resume...I may have...I just don't remember doing it...or even creating a resume for that matter.  

A couple weeks later I received a phone call and made an appointment for a 15 minute phone interview.   About a week later I got another call stating that they wanted to do a face to face interview.  Unfortunately, I had just begun a four week vacation (I remember well the phone call as I walking out the Capitol building in Washington DC at the time).  So, they agreed to another phone interview and two weeks later I got the call that I was hired!  

Bing! Bang! Boom!  Done!  

So here we are 12 years later and things have surely changed!!!!

I submitted applications about the same time as 2004.  I had interviews about the same time as 2004.  But still have no contract!  

On July 22 when KKC decided they wanted to hire me, they started the process of getting permission from Orange County.  This is something that did not need to be done in 2004.

On July 27, the principal got back to me and said that to approve me, they needed a copy of my transcripts from college. problem.  I got online, ordered them, they were processed, and mailed out on July 27 by first class mail. 

....and we waited

....and waited

...and waited

THIRTEEN DAYS LATER they finally arrived (that would be yesterday).  Meanwhile, I have missed 8 days of in-service already which,  monetarily, equates to about $1100.00!!!  

So yesterday afternoon I get a call from the Orange County Public School agent assigned to my case saying that my transcripts had arrived but that they stated simply that I was rewarded a degree NOT what the degree was for!  

REALLY???? I have 20+ years of teaching school under my belt...what do you THINK my degree was in???????

So then she states (in a matter-of-fact way), "well, I will pass these on to the Department of Education for approval but I don't know if they will accept them.  It will take 4-6 weeks to process them so I don't know what (principal's name) is going to do."


This lady has been communicating with both of us over a period of two weeks and this is the first time she brought up anything about hiring being 4-6 weeks away.!!!!!!

You can probably see how upset I am by all the punctuation I am using.  

So where are we now?  

The principal is trying to pull some strings and get this done...last communication I had was that the agent was looking over the coursework on my transcripts to see if they meet the requirements for a degree.  

This is the second time this year that God has placed me deep in the valley where I am treading water with my head barely above the water and I am getting tired.  I don't understand why everything has to be a hassle.  

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