Sunday, August 21, 2016

Weekend Review - Minus Pictures

Friday was kind of a difficult day for me. I won't lie...last week seemed to last fooorrreeevveerr!  

I have 14 sweethearts and they really are a great bunch of kids but, because of various reasons, our principal/director did not want us to do anything related to curriculum last week.  Five days...all day!  I kind of felt like I was babysitting and was definitely watching the clock wondering how much longer I had to keep these kids busy.  So, in that regard, this week will be soooo much better.  

But one area that will not change is my schedule.  I have one 40 minute special every day and 1 half hour lunch. That is about 4 hours a week.  Compare that with how spoiled I got at Valley Christian... where I had basically 12.5 hours of specials/lunch/recess!   BUT, also, I am making about $15,000 more a year and for $15,000 more a year, I'd stand on my head and teach. 

However, one thing I am going to have a very difficult time with I can sum up in three little words...Common Core Sucks! I am not used to having curriculum dictate me and what I do in my classroom.  Lesson Plans are 99% more difficult and everything has to be overthought.   

Anyway, on to the weekend

Once I got home on Friday night, my mind was already fried so I decided to skip the grocery shopping but still took Zack to Steak n Shake for dinner.  Then I came home, lit some pumpkin spice candles, put in some Downton Abby, and slipped into a semi coma.  

Saturday, after sleeping in and taking Ollie for a walk, I ran to the Dollar Tree and Publix and did all our grocery shopping for the week for under $30.00 (we are still recovering from going two weeks without a paycheck).  In the afternoon, I watched a little of the LLWS and then at night, we met C.J. at Universal for probably the last time this summer.  It was annual passholder night so it was very busy.  But it was so so exciting seeing HHN stuff starting to go up!   

Today was a stay at home day.  I did my lunch prep, meal prep, and clothes prep for the week and made dinner and took a shower.  

Ready for another week.  

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