Friday, August 26, 2016

Real Life Poverty

I have now gone almost a month without a paycheck!

I was supposed to get one...but somehow, my time sheet was accidentally left in the book and now those hours need to be rolled over into the next pay check which won't be until Sept 1.  It was only for two days pay (about 18 hours)  but that would have been enough to pay my cell phone bill and make my car payment.  Both of those I had set up for automatic debit on the 26th.  I called both companies and was able to hold off T mobile until the 1st, but the bank said they needed 3-5 days to process the request for the auto loan and I didn't call until the 23rd.  This morning I found out they did indeed take the payment out of my checking account leaving me with a balance of $5.00!  

Just how poor am I right now?

Today I

- used a textbook and folder to "sweep" my floor at school because I can't even afford to buy a broom and dustpan at the Dollar Tree.

- borrowed $5.00 in quarters from my son so I could put enough gas in my car to get me to Daytona Beach on Sunday when my dad has graciously offered to fill it up for me.

- washed out my unmentionables and socks in my bathroom sink and put them out on the balcony to dry because I don't have the money to do a load of laundry!

Yes...this is my life right now!   I would find it hilarious if I wasn't so frustrated.  

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