Thursday, August 18, 2016

And Welcome to Florida

I  have to write this down because it is just so so ridiculous and if it wasn't costing me so much money - it would be actually be comical.  

When I drive to work, I have to take I4 to the Florida Turnpike and then pick up the 408 from the turnpike.  In particular, this is the exit I take. 

The odd thing is that once on the 408, the first exit is exit 2...and yep, I need to exit at exit 1.  This entails exiting at exit two (and paying a toll) and then turning and getting back on 408 going west ( and pay ANOTHER toll) to get to exit 1.  

And before you ask, "why not take the 408 west exit instead?"  I will answer, "THERE IS NONE!"

So this whole fiasco is going to cost me $30.00 a month in tolls!

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