Monday, January 5, 2015

Day Nineteen

A day of driving...leaving Tifton, Georgia at about 8:30 a.m. and getting to Scottsburg, Indiana at about 6:30 p.m.

Nothing too eventful outside of some construction traffic congestion in Louisville.

Some scenes from the day.

Hard to tell but the sign indicated the YTD death toll on the Tennessee freeways
2014 - 13
2015 - 5 (already)

Monteagle, Tennessee

Someone needs to be groomed when we get home

Haven't seen gas prices this low in at least 6 years

One of my gripes about Wisconsin is how early it gets dark in the winter so I took this picture at 5:30 to compare

Louisville traffic

Hampton Inn (love their beds)

27* - could be worse

Once we got to the hotel we were in complete meltdown mode for the first 45 minutes or so as Zack discovered that he left his computer charger in the motel room in Georgia and then, after looking for it for at least 20 minutes and declaring it forgotten, could not remember what he did with my phone.  We spent another 15 minutes or so looking for that.  

We finally found the phone in the lobby (it must have slipped out of his pocket when he sat on the couch) and I called the Days Inn and asked them to mail the charger - along with a shirt he also left there - to our home.

Yes, the boy is a mess.  We will be making an appointment to get him back on some ADHD medication soon!

After everything settled down he went swimming and we ordered from Pizza Hut.  

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