Saturday, February 18, 2012

Urgent: Prayer Needed

I am asking for prayer for my brother-in-law, Doug.

Late in 2010 he was diagnosed with skin cancer. Although it had reached several lymph nodes and was quite invasive, the prognosis was pretty good and he had been doing quite well.

However, yesterday, a routine scan revealed several spots on his brain, his lungs, and his liver.  The scans were sent to Arizona for a final read but the doctors are certain the spots are cancerous.  And the scan was really sent off more to arrange a treatment plan for him than for a final read as the doctor's have said without treatment he wouldn't last more than three months.

One thing I have learned from reading so many caringbridge sites is that cancer in the brain is bad....cancer in the lungs is bad....but cancer in soft tissue (liver) is the worst and most difficult to eradicate. 

But we serve an amazing God and cancer is no match for His power should he decide that that is his will.

So if you are reading, let's all storm the Heavens in prayer...not only for Doug to be cancer free again..but for his wife, young daughters, and parents.

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