Friday, February 10, 2012


The most common definition of goodness is the state or quality of being good/moral.  This is very true. There are some people that just exude goodness and they have an inner beauty that attracts people to them. 

 My best friend (besides my husband) certainly fits this defintion...she helped me through the most difficult part of my life and although I know she did not condone the way I was  choosing to live my life at the time, she was a non-judgemental comfort to me and I feel certain I could not have made it through that time in my life without her love and support.

But what about God's goodness?

When I was little (and really not so little too) I thought that if I was just a good follower of God, he would bless me with so much goodness in my life that I would never have to feel alone or sad.  I wrongly thought that all God's goodness would come in the form of blessings that brought warm, cozy feelings and extreme joy and happiness to my life.

When I failed to experience these feelings I thought that I just wasn't praying right or I wasn't faithful enough for God to bestow His goodness upon me.

Heavens...I couldn't have been more wrong!

Over the past several years I have come to realize that sometimes God's goodness comes in the form of disappointment or sorrow.  Sometimes God's goodness is something that, at the time, we don't really see as good at all. 

Sometimes God's goodness is prosperity, good health, good fortune... but sometimes... it is not. 

It's the it is not part that sets us apart as true Christians. 

Romans 8:28 says that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purpose.

To me, this means that God knows what is good for you all the time!  He knows what needs to be done so that you can fulfill the purpose He has set for you on this Earth. 

Laughter and joy are just a part of the character he wants us to develop.  He also needs to develop your character through sorrows and watch how you handle the adversities that comes your way. 

God never promised that we would not experience heartache or sorrow...just that He would always be there to help us through them...if we turn to Him. do you handle God's goodness when it comes your way?


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