Monday, February 6, 2012

Full Moon Phenomenon

I am not a superstitious person.  I do not believe that wearing a certain outfit or eating a certain food will produce a desired outcome.  

I don't believe in vampires or werewolves.  Or even in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.

But there is one phenomenon that I have hard time denying. I have witnessed it far too many times to deny it's existence.

It happens without warning... not the full moon of course.  As far as I know the phases of the moon follow a predictable pattern of waxing and waning crescents with full moons, and half moons in between.  

No, what I'm talking about is the unbelievably crazy and out of the ordinary behavior children exhibit during the period of a full moon! If you're anything like me, you pay no attention to what phase of the moon is happening in the sky that night...until you experience one of "those days" in the classroom.
More times than I can count I have come home completely exasperated from a day of teaching and think "there must be a full moon tonight" only to discover that YES...there was!
Today was indeed one of those days. I dealt with some crazy and unusual things today...
Then I went out tonight to get Zack from basketball practice and saw this:

Full Moon Phenomenon strikes again.

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