Sunday, February 26, 2012

Platteville Weekend

So, Zack and I escaped to Platteville for the weekend to visit Jon.  

We were greeted by Jon who brought us up to his room full of trash. We immediately started cleaning until, when all was done, we had four bags of trash.
He lives alone since his roommate didn't come back for Spring he doesn't really bother cleaning all that much!

Here is room afterwards...relatively clean

Trash bags sitting by the door waiting to be taken out

This is the view outside:

Platteville got some snow the other night...we still don't have any here.

We spent Saturday afternoon at the motel visiting, doing Jon's laundry and watching a movie.  Jon and Ollie got re-acquainted.

 Jon and Zack got re-acquainted:

Seriously, Zack loves his brothers so much!  I love witnessing their relationships.

Later at night we headed to Dubuque to do some mall shopping and eat.  We were not prepared for the ridiculously long waits at the restaurants.  After three tries we finally settled on Red Robin with a 15 minute wait.

There was not much to do today once we checked out of the motel.  The boys stuffed themselves silly at breakfast so neither was hungry for, after a short stay in Jon's room.

 we left for home...sob..sob.

Good thing Spring Break is soon and Jon will be home for a week!

Oh...and C.J. will be here on Friday.  YEAH!!!! Can't wait.

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