Saturday, February 4, 2012

Zack's Blanket

Sorry for the blurriness... another 3DS picture Zack took over Christmas (Florida) vacation.

Last picture with his blanket

Zack has always slept with a blanket... a knit blanket.  When he was born my grandmother gave him a blue blanket she knit herself. He loved to stick his fingers between the holes and suck on his tongue.
See what I mean:

When he was about three or four that blanket was falling apart and I started looking for a replacement.  Of course, it had to be knit...and blue.  Preferably one that I could switch out without him even noticing.  Unbelievably, someone had left behind just such a blanket at the day care I worked at and after asking a few questions, the blanket became mine...or should I say Zack's.  The old blanket went into the memory box and the switch was made without notice.

As he got older I was not concerned that he still slept with it. I myself have a certain pillow I sleep with at night ( I mean hold on to not rest my head on) so I really saw the blanket as the same thing. Sometimes he would bring it to sleepovers and sometimes he was embarrassed about it and left it home. I knew he would give it up when he was ready.  It didn't seem like he was even close to being  ready.

And then....we lost it.  Somehow, it did not come back from Florida with us.  On the way home we stopped for the first night in Tifton, Georgia and there was no blanket to be found.  I called my parents thinking we had left it there could not find it anywhere.  I then thought it must have been put in the big suitcase - when we travel I pack two suitcases...a big one and a small one...that way I can leave the big one in the car until we get to our destination and only have to take the small one in the motel.  Once we got home and unpacked all the was not there!

This blanket has literally just disappeared.  I think the dog ate it! Doesn't he look guilty to  you?

Seriously though, I don't know what happened to it. I only know he doesn't have it anymore...and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.  Goodbye, blankie.

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