Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Never Take Me Anywhere

Sadly, an event this past weekend now qualifies as the most embarrassing moment of my life.  

Previously, my most embarrassing moment was when I absent mindedly walked into the men's bathroom at Disney.  

Even though I acted like it was no big deal at the moment, I was absolutely mortified and still blush and feel a cold sweat starting just thinking about it.

So...here it is:

On Saturday, once we got to the Swamp, I noticed that my shirt was terribly dirty.  Since buying an overpriced t shirt at a sports venue was not in my budget, I came up with the "brilliant" idea to turn my shirt inside out.  

Since I always wear a camisole under my shirt I thought it was safe to do it at the intersection while we waited for the light to change so we could cross the street.

I'm sure you can see where this is going...

As I took off my shirt, the camisole came with it and there I was, at a very busy intersection and in front of hundreds of Gator fans waiting to cross the street too, IN MY BRA!  

I am getting flustered just thinking about it.

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