It sounds weird but Friday was the first "real" day I had in my classroom. I mentioned already that we had to wing the first week as we could do nothing curriculum related. Then last week, my class was testing all morning Monday through Thursday. So on Friday we just dove in to what will be our regular schedule and the curriculum.
I am finding out that there are many aspects of this school that I am not totally on board with and one of those is that all reading and math has to be done in centers and has to be ability grouped. For instance, during their 1.5 hour reading period (yep a full 1.5 hours of reading class) everyday they must do something involving the following: 1). silent reading 2). guided ability grouped reading 3) vocabulary 4). spelling 5). phonics and 6). writing. I have nothing against fact, I actually enjoy them, but just not EVERY SINGLE DAY. And ability grouping was done away with years ago. And finding six activities for them to do each day is daunting. But I just keep my mouth shut and do my job.
So, we did centers in Reading and Math on Friday and the results were mixed. Reading went excellent but Math went pretty badly. Last year, this class had 4 different teachers and it is obvious that they have no idea what structure in the classroom is. It's obvious they were left to their own devices as far as rules and consequences - or lack of. I've implemented a system I call "obedience training" and I have been seeing steady improvements. Overall, I'd say they ate are about 60% there.
After school, I needed to stop and pick up $5.00 from my son for gas and then did my grocery shopping. Once home, the groceries were unpacked, I took Ollie for a walk, and then I out on my comfy pj's, lit a pumpkin spice candle, and watched some Downton Abbey.
Saturday I spent the whole day with a headache but still had to do my lesson plans. I used to be able to do my lesson plans in about 15-20 minutes...HA! These Common Core lesson plans took me almost 4 hours! (Oi Vey). Because we had plans on Sunday, I made all my lunches and cooked all the meals for the week on Saturday.
Sunday we drove over to Daytona Beach to have pizza with my parents and sister (it was her birthday). Then it was home and mentally preparing myself for another week.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Real Life Poverty
I have now gone almost a month without a paycheck!
I was supposed to get one...but somehow, my time sheet was accidentally left in the book and now those hours need to be rolled over into the next pay check which won't be until Sept 1. It was only for two days pay (about 18 hours) but that would have been enough to pay my cell phone bill and make my car payment. Both of those I had set up for automatic debit on the 26th. I called both companies and was able to hold off T mobile until the 1st, but the bank said they needed 3-5 days to process the request for the auto loan and I didn't call until the 23rd. This morning I found out they did indeed take the payment out of my checking account leaving me with a balance of $5.00!
Just how poor am I right now?
Today I
- used a textbook and folder to "sweep" my floor at school because I can't even afford to buy a broom and dustpan at the Dollar Tree.
- borrowed $5.00 in quarters from my son so I could put enough gas in my car to get me to Daytona Beach on Sunday when my dad has graciously offered to fill it up for me.
- washed out my unmentionables and socks in my bathroom sink and put them out on the balcony to dry because I don't have the money to do a load of laundry!
Yes...this is my life right now! I would find it hilarious if I wasn't so frustrated.
I was supposed to get one...but somehow, my time sheet was accidentally left in the book and now those hours need to be rolled over into the next pay check which won't be until Sept 1. It was only for two days pay (about 18 hours) but that would have been enough to pay my cell phone bill and make my car payment. Both of those I had set up for automatic debit on the 26th. I called both companies and was able to hold off T mobile until the 1st, but the bank said they needed 3-5 days to process the request for the auto loan and I didn't call until the 23rd. This morning I found out they did indeed take the payment out of my checking account leaving me with a balance of $5.00!
Just how poor am I right now?
Today I
- used a textbook and folder to "sweep" my floor at school because I can't even afford to buy a broom and dustpan at the Dollar Tree.
- borrowed $5.00 in quarters from my son so I could put enough gas in my car to get me to Daytona Beach on Sunday when my dad has graciously offered to fill it up for me.
- washed out my unmentionables and socks in my bathroom sink and put them out on the balcony to dry because I don't have the money to do a load of laundry!
Yes...this is my life right now! I would find it hilarious if I wasn't so frustrated.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Weekend Review - Minus Pictures
Friday was kind of a difficult day for me. I won't lie...last week seemed to last fooorrreeevveerr!
I have 14 sweethearts and they really are a great bunch of kids but, because of various reasons, our principal/director did not want us to do anything related to curriculum last week. Five days...all day! I kind of felt like I was babysitting and was definitely watching the clock wondering how much longer I had to keep these kids busy. So, in that regard, this week will be soooo much better.
But one area that will not change is my schedule. I have one 40 minute special every day and 1 half hour lunch. That is about 4 hours a week. Compare that with how spoiled I got at Valley Christian... where I had basically 12.5 hours of specials/lunch/recess! BUT, also, I am making about $15,000 more a year and for $15,000 more a year, I'd stand on my head and teach.
However, one thing I am going to have a very difficult time with I can sum up in three little words...Common Core Sucks! I am not used to having curriculum dictate me and what I do in my classroom. Lesson Plans are 99% more difficult and everything has to be overthought.
Anyway, on to the weekend
Once I got home on Friday night, my mind was already fried so I decided to skip the grocery shopping but still took Zack to Steak n Shake for dinner. Then I came home, lit some pumpkin spice candles, put in some Downton Abby, and slipped into a semi coma.
Saturday, after sleeping in and taking Ollie for a walk, I ran to the Dollar Tree and Publix and did all our grocery shopping for the week for under $30.00 (we are still recovering from going two weeks without a paycheck). In the afternoon, I watched a little of the LLWS and then at night, we met C.J. at Universal for probably the last time this summer. It was annual passholder night so it was very busy. But it was so so exciting seeing HHN stuff starting to go up!
Today was a stay at home day. I did my lunch prep, meal prep, and clothes prep for the week and made dinner and took a shower.
Ready for another week.
I have 14 sweethearts and they really are a great bunch of kids but, because of various reasons, our principal/director did not want us to do anything related to curriculum last week. Five days...all day! I kind of felt like I was babysitting and was definitely watching the clock wondering how much longer I had to keep these kids busy. So, in that regard, this week will be soooo much better.
But one area that will not change is my schedule. I have one 40 minute special every day and 1 half hour lunch. That is about 4 hours a week. Compare that with how spoiled I got at Valley Christian... where I had basically 12.5 hours of specials/lunch/recess! BUT, also, I am making about $15,000 more a year and for $15,000 more a year, I'd stand on my head and teach.
However, one thing I am going to have a very difficult time with I can sum up in three little words...Common Core Sucks! I am not used to having curriculum dictate me and what I do in my classroom. Lesson Plans are 99% more difficult and everything has to be overthought.
Anyway, on to the weekend
Once I got home on Friday night, my mind was already fried so I decided to skip the grocery shopping but still took Zack to Steak n Shake for dinner. Then I came home, lit some pumpkin spice candles, put in some Downton Abby, and slipped into a semi coma.
Saturday, after sleeping in and taking Ollie for a walk, I ran to the Dollar Tree and Publix and did all our grocery shopping for the week for under $30.00 (we are still recovering from going two weeks without a paycheck). In the afternoon, I watched a little of the LLWS and then at night, we met C.J. at Universal for probably the last time this summer. It was annual passholder night so it was very busy. But it was so so exciting seeing HHN stuff starting to go up!
Today was a stay at home day. I did my lunch prep, meal prep, and clothes prep for the week and made dinner and took a shower.
Ready for another week.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
And Welcome to Florida
I have to write this down because it is just so so ridiculous and if it wasn't costing me so much money - it would be actually be comical.
When I drive to work, I have to take I4 to the Florida Turnpike and then pick up the 408 from the turnpike. In particular, this is the exit I take.

The odd thing is that once on the 408, the first exit is exit 2...and yep, I need to exit at exit 1. This entails exiting at exit two (and paying a toll) and then turning and getting back on 408 going west ( and pay ANOTHER toll) to get to exit 1.
And before you ask, "why not take the 408 west exit instead?" I will answer, "THERE IS NONE!"
So this whole fiasco is going to cost me $30.00 a month in tolls!
When I drive to work, I have to take I4 to the Florida Turnpike and then pick up the 408 from the turnpike. In particular, this is the exit I take.
The odd thing is that once on the 408, the first exit is exit 2...and yep, I need to exit at exit 1. This entails exiting at exit two (and paying a toll) and then turning and getting back on 408 going west ( and pay ANOTHER toll) to get to exit 1.
And before you ask, "why not take the 408 west exit instead?" I will answer, "THERE IS NONE!"
So this whole fiasco is going to cost me $30.00 a month in tolls!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
In the Midst of the Chaos - School Started
According to Orange County, I am still not fit to be a classroom teacher so I had to be hired as a sub until we get the green light. This stinks for a couple of reasons...even though they came up quite a bit from the hourly pay they normally pay their subs, it is still $700.00 less than I would be making under contract...and no benefits yet.
Needless to say, I hope Orange County gets their crap together soon.
I have a herculean task before me this year. I have 14 second graders who went through 4 different teachers last year. Looking at their test results from last year, it was very apparent that their academic progress halted in the middle of the year and then took a nosedive from there. Bring it on...we can...we will!!!
As is usual, I have a vast mixture of personalities among the 14. I have a drama queen (or two or three maybe), I have one boy who won't really talk and one boy who won't stop talking (haha). But, overall, 14 sweet, adorable kids.
My room
It's a work in progress. Someone else set it up for me since I was sitting on the couch from August 1 - August 11 waiting for Orange County to decide if I was eligible to be hired as a teacher - seeing as I have 25 years experience teaching and all.
Needless to say, I hope Orange County gets their crap together soon.
I have a herculean task before me this year. I have 14 second graders who went through 4 different teachers last year. Looking at their test results from last year, it was very apparent that their academic progress halted in the middle of the year and then took a nosedive from there. Bring it on...we can...we will!!!
As is usual, I have a vast mixture of personalities among the 14. I have a drama queen (or two or three maybe), I have one boy who won't really talk and one boy who won't stop talking (haha). But, overall, 14 sweet, adorable kids.
My room
It's a work in progress. Someone else set it up for me since I was sitting on the couch from August 1 - August 11 waiting for Orange County to decide if I was eligible to be hired as a teacher - seeing as I have 25 years experience teaching and all.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Universal Again
We are winding down our "summer of Universal" and have only a couple times left. Last week we were not able to go because Zack's ticket wouldn't work. I had accidentally canceled the credit card that was being used for the monthly payments and, after standing in line for nearly a half hour at what I thought was Guest Services, I was told I needed to go over to Guest Services which would have been another 45 minute wait. So, Zack and I just went home, I straightened the situation out on the phone during the week, and we went last night.
Universal closed at 6:00 for a private event so we, along with a million other people, headed to Islands of Adventure. Despite being overly crowded, we had a really good time.
First, C.J. sought out a friend who could take him and Zack to the front of The Hulk line. Even though they by-passed the long line, they still ended up waiting about 20 minutes or so. Zack was not at all on board with going on it...but he ended up loving it.
And after the ride
Then we went on the Cat in the Hat and Forbidden Journey.
And then walked along a hidden path in Toon Lagoon and walked around on Popeye's ship.
We then waited an absurdly long time for Storm Accelerator before leaving.
I'm gonna miss our summer nights but the end of summer means the beginning of Halloween Horror Nights!
Universal closed at 6:00 for a private event so we, along with a million other people, headed to Islands of Adventure. Despite being overly crowded, we had a really good time.
First, C.J. sought out a friend who could take him and Zack to the front of The Hulk line. Even though they by-passed the long line, they still ended up waiting about 20 minutes or so. Zack was not at all on board with going on it...but he ended up loving it.
And after the ride
Then we went on the Cat in the Hat and Forbidden Journey.
And then walked along a hidden path in Toon Lagoon and walked around on Popeye's ship.
We then waited an absurdly long time for Storm Accelerator before leaving.
I'm gonna miss our summer nights but the end of summer means the beginning of Halloween Horror Nights!
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
So...NOW I Understand!
So the final word from the agent was that I was short two classes necessary for a Florida Teaching License.
According to her I had two choices. I could take the two classes or I could take the ridiculously expensive exam and get the license.
MONEY! I am now positive that this was all about money! The Florida Department of Education wants my money!
I am now almost certain that my transcripts were delivered before yesterday too...why would mail delivery take 13 days???? What are the odds that my transcripts were "delivered" the very same day that we decided to actively do something about replacing them? And finally, what are the odds that the very page they need to verify my certification is "missing" from the sent transcripts?
It all sounds like WAAAAY too much of a coincidence to me.
Anyway, I called the registrars office at UW-O to verify that my transcripts did indeed state my degree was a BS in Education, which it did (of course it did) and paid for another copy to be sent overnight delivery to ME!
I should get them Friday.
According to her I had two choices. I could take the two classes or I could take the ridiculously expensive exam and get the license.
MONEY! I am now positive that this was all about money! The Florida Department of Education wants my money!
I am now almost certain that my transcripts were delivered before yesterday too...why would mail delivery take 13 days???? What are the odds that my transcripts were "delivered" the very same day that we decided to actively do something about replacing them? And finally, what are the odds that the very page they need to verify my certification is "missing" from the sent transcripts?
It all sounds like WAAAAY too much of a coincidence to me.
Anyway, I called the registrars office at UW-O to verify that my transcripts did indeed state my degree was a BS in Education, which it did (of course it did) and paid for another copy to be sent overnight delivery to ME!
I should get them Friday.
STILL Waiting
In 2004, I was lead teacher/acting director of a day care center in Palm Coast, FL when I found out a new charter school was opening in the city. I didn't really like my job because it was too much desk and office work and my enjoyment comes from working with the kids.
So, I submitted an application. Honestly, I don't even remember submitting a resume...I may have...I just don't remember doing it...or even creating a resume for that matter.
A couple weeks later I received a phone call and made an appointment for a 15 minute phone interview. About a week later I got another call stating that they wanted to do a face to face interview. Unfortunately, I had just begun a four week vacation (I remember well the phone call as I walking out the Capitol building in Washington DC at the time). So, they agreed to another phone interview and two weeks later I got the call that I was hired!
Bing! Bang! Boom! Done!
So here we are 12 years later and things have surely changed!!!!
I submitted applications about the same time as 2004. I had interviews about the same time as 2004. But still have no contract!
On July 22 when KKC decided they wanted to hire me, they started the process of getting permission from Orange County. This is something that did not need to be done in 2004.
On July 27, the principal got back to me and said that to approve me, they needed a copy of my transcripts from college. problem. I got online, ordered them, they were processed, and mailed out on July 27 by first class mail.
....and we waited
....and waited
...and waited
THIRTEEN DAYS LATER they finally arrived (that would be yesterday). Meanwhile, I have missed 8 days of in-service already which, monetarily, equates to about $1100.00!!!
So yesterday afternoon I get a call from the Orange County Public School agent assigned to my case saying that my transcripts had arrived but that they stated simply that I was rewarded a degree NOT what the degree was for!
REALLY???? I have 20+ years of teaching school under my belt...what do you THINK my degree was in???????
So then she states (in a matter-of-fact way), "well, I will pass these on to the Department of Education for approval but I don't know if they will accept them. It will take 4-6 weeks to process them so I don't know what (principal's name) is going to do."
This lady has been communicating with both of us over a period of two weeks and this is the first time she brought up anything about hiring being 4-6 weeks away.!!!!!!
You can probably see how upset I am by all the punctuation I am using.
So where are we now?
The principal is trying to pull some strings and get this done...last communication I had was that the agent was looking over the coursework on my transcripts to see if they meet the requirements for a degree.
This is the second time this year that God has placed me deep in the valley where I am treading water with my head barely above the water and I am getting tired. I don't understand why everything has to be a hassle.
So, I submitted an application. Honestly, I don't even remember submitting a resume...I may have...I just don't remember doing it...or even creating a resume for that matter.
A couple weeks later I received a phone call and made an appointment for a 15 minute phone interview. About a week later I got another call stating that they wanted to do a face to face interview. Unfortunately, I had just begun a four week vacation (I remember well the phone call as I walking out the Capitol building in Washington DC at the time). So, they agreed to another phone interview and two weeks later I got the call that I was hired!
Bing! Bang! Boom! Done!
So here we are 12 years later and things have surely changed!!!!
I submitted applications about the same time as 2004. I had interviews about the same time as 2004. But still have no contract!
On July 22 when KKC decided they wanted to hire me, they started the process of getting permission from Orange County. This is something that did not need to be done in 2004.
On July 27, the principal got back to me and said that to approve me, they needed a copy of my transcripts from college. problem. I got online, ordered them, they were processed, and mailed out on July 27 by first class mail.
....and we waited
....and waited
...and waited
THIRTEEN DAYS LATER they finally arrived (that would be yesterday). Meanwhile, I have missed 8 days of in-service already which, monetarily, equates to about $1100.00!!!
So yesterday afternoon I get a call from the Orange County Public School agent assigned to my case saying that my transcripts had arrived but that they stated simply that I was rewarded a degree NOT what the degree was for!
REALLY???? I have 20+ years of teaching school under my belt...what do you THINK my degree was in???????
So then she states (in a matter-of-fact way), "well, I will pass these on to the Department of Education for approval but I don't know if they will accept them. It will take 4-6 weeks to process them so I don't know what (principal's name) is going to do."
This lady has been communicating with both of us over a period of two weeks and this is the first time she brought up anything about hiring being 4-6 weeks away.!!!!!!
You can probably see how upset I am by all the punctuation I am using.
So where are we now?
The principal is trying to pull some strings and get this done...last communication I had was that the agent was looking over the coursework on my transcripts to see if they meet the requirements for a degree.
This is the second time this year that God has placed me deep in the valley where I am treading water with my head barely above the water and I am getting tired. I don't understand why everything has to be a hassle.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Tips for Making My Life Easier
I have yet to start work. I am hoping maybe Tuesday I will be able to venture in, sign a contract, and get this school year in motion.
Anyway, I thought I would share my tips for making my life easier while working a full time job.
1). Pack all lunches for the week
I picked up these little storage containers at Target a couple years ago for less than $3 and they are amazing
I also have a hot pink and orange one that I did not use this week since three lunches are the most I will need this week.
These are all filled with the same thing...low fat vanilla yogurt. blueberries and raspberries.
I added a little snack bag of granola also.
Other things I will normally pack in these are hummus and crackers or a half a sandwich and some kind of fruit or sweet peppers, or carrots and celery with ranch dip.
They stack nicely and I just stick them in a corner of the fridge.
2). Menu plan for simple meals and cook as many meals as possible ahead of time.
Sloppy Joes and Tacos are staples in our house so today I browned two pounds of hamburger and made those two meals for this week.
Two meals...microwave and ready!
The other two nights we will have
Easy and easy!
3). Prepare the coffee for the week
Fill the filters and stack them...
Ready to go...right next to the coffee mugs
4). Get all the outfits lined up for the week. I have a feeling I will be wearing a uniform at this job so that will be easy to prepare for. But, normally, I would pick out all my clothes for the week and line them up in my closet and then do the same with my socks, camisoles, and underwear.
5). Showers...
I am at the point in my life where it is not necessary to shower every day. I started this shower routine a couple years ago - mostly to save on hair and shower products - but it works for me...
I shower on Sunday nights, Tuesday nights, and Friday mornings.
This is so much easier than having to get up early to shower every morning.
6). Do all cleaning and laundry on Thursday nights
This is strictly a personal preference and began many, many years ago when the kids were young. Friday evenings were dedicated to Karate and we often didn't get home until 9:30. Saturdays were reserved for Disney and Sundays for grocery shopping and rest. So I had to do all the cleaning and laundry on Thursday evenings. This routine just stuck with me and it's so nice to have it all finished and be able to enjoy the weekend without having to do any chores around the house.
And that is it. Things I have learned over the years that make my work week easier.
Anyway, I thought I would share my tips for making my life easier while working a full time job.
1). Pack all lunches for the week
I picked up these little storage containers at Target a couple years ago for less than $3 and they are amazing
I also have a hot pink and orange one that I did not use this week since three lunches are the most I will need this week.
These are all filled with the same thing...low fat vanilla yogurt. blueberries and raspberries.
I added a little snack bag of granola also.
Other things I will normally pack in these are hummus and crackers or a half a sandwich and some kind of fruit or sweet peppers, or carrots and celery with ranch dip.
They stack nicely and I just stick them in a corner of the fridge.
2). Menu plan for simple meals and cook as many meals as possible ahead of time.
Sloppy Joes and Tacos are staples in our house so today I browned two pounds of hamburger and made those two meals for this week.
Two meals...microwave and ready!
The other two nights we will have
Easy and easy!
3). Prepare the coffee for the week
Fill the filters and stack them...
Ready to go...right next to the coffee mugs
4). Get all the outfits lined up for the week. I have a feeling I will be wearing a uniform at this job so that will be easy to prepare for. But, normally, I would pick out all my clothes for the week and line them up in my closet and then do the same with my socks, camisoles, and underwear.
5). Showers...
I am at the point in my life where it is not necessary to shower every day. I started this shower routine a couple years ago - mostly to save on hair and shower products - but it works for me...
I shower on Sunday nights, Tuesday nights, and Friday mornings.
This is so much easier than having to get up early to shower every morning.
6). Do all cleaning and laundry on Thursday nights
This is strictly a personal preference and began many, many years ago when the kids were young. Friday evenings were dedicated to Karate and we often didn't get home until 9:30. Saturdays were reserved for Disney and Sundays for grocery shopping and rest. So I had to do all the cleaning and laundry on Thursday evenings. This routine just stuck with me and it's so nice to have it all finished and be able to enjoy the weekend without having to do any chores around the house.
And that is it. Things I have learned over the years that make my work week easier.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Wonderfully Written Obituary
Ellalynn Ada Schiek, born on Nov. 26, 2006, was granted her angel wings unexpectedly on Monday, Aug. 1, 2016. Ella's short, but memorable life has touched many but those who were touched by her understand that the quality of her existence far exceeded the quantity of time in which she lived.
Her gentle soul and sparkling smile brought joy to all she encountered. In her nine short years with us, every day was a blessing from God.
Ella had an infectious and boundless love for the Lord, which she frequently expressed by singing praise music she loved so dearly.
Her caring, nurturing and playful spirit were on brilliant display every moment she spent with her nieces and nephews.
Ella's love of crafts and constructing anything she could think of from paper or cardboard into dresses, dolls and even shoes gave credence to her love of creativity and expression. Her unique and joyful personality was inviting to all her friends at Valley Christian School. Ella loved to dance and was so happy to have her sisters Brittany and Abby as her coaches at school. Her love of school was infectious as she couldn't wait for the new school year to start again. Ella loved her teachers, friends and classmates at Valley Christian.
Ella became an Aunt at an early age. When Mom explained to her that she was now an Aunt, Ella replied with "I don't want to be an ant. . .I want to be a Lady Bug!" Her beloved brothers Wes and Abe had special nicknames for the Lady Bug when she came into the growing Schiek family calling her "Bean" and "Bean Bean Boogie"! Ella has been the family's Little Bean ever since.
With Ella's passing we want to remind others that her life is one to be celebrated. Although we will miss her every day, especially her wonderful smile, she will forever remain in our hearts. It has been a joy, blessing and privilege to be her parents.
Ella is survived by her loving parents James and Stacey (Ginnow) Schiek, her siblings James Jr. "JJ" (Melissa) Schiek, Analyise (Ryan) Jezwinski, Brittany (Adam) Grosskopf, Abigail Schiek, Wesley Schiek, Abraham Schiek and Ava Schiek. Grandparents James M. and Margaret (Peg) Schiek, Marilyn J. Ginnow, and William and Evangeline Jenkins. Ella is also survived by many Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews and cousins throughout Wisc. and the U.S. Ella is preceded in death by James E. Ginnow, Grandfather.
In lieu of flowers, please direct memorials to:
Love a Child
P.O. Box 60063
Fort Myers, FL 33906
Ella saved her Piggy Bank money and gave to this fine charity with her love.
Mass of Christian Burial to be held on Mon., Aug. 8, 2016 at 12 Noon at Most Blessed Sacrament (St. Mary's Church) located at 605 Merritt Ave., Oshkosh. Father James Jugenheimer will be the celebrant. Visitation will be at the church from 9am to Noon. Committal Services will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery immediately following the service.
The family requests that Ella's life be celebrated! Please attend wearing bright colors of joy! The family would like to thank the loving doctors, nurses and staff at Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh.
I am still in shock and very, very sad.
Monday, August 1, 2016
When a Child Dies
A ray of sunshine mixed with equal parts of sparkle and dazzle left this earth today suddenly and very unexpectedly.
We are all left shocked, numbed, saddened, and trying to make sense out of something that makes no sense at all to us!
Prayers for the Schiek family.
Ella...I will always remember your smile and your friendly and outgoing personality. Your willingness to be a friend to everyone and to never miss an opportunity to help out where needed.
The earth has lost a loving and beautiful soul but heaven has gained a wonderful angel.
We are all left shocked, numbed, saddened, and trying to make sense out of something that makes no sense at all to us!
Prayers for the Schiek family.
Ella...I will always remember your smile and your friendly and outgoing personality. Your willingness to be a friend to everyone and to never miss an opportunity to help out where needed.
The earth has lost a loving and beautiful soul but heaven has gained a wonderful angel.
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It's amazing what you'll find when you google your deceased grandparent's names: I also found this little page for my grand...
Again this year an express pass for Halloween Horror Nights was not a priority in my so called budget. To clarify, an express pass enables ...
Ellalynn Ada Schiek, born on Nov. 26, 2006, was granted her angel wings unexpectedly on Monday, Aug. 1, 2016. Ella's short, but me...