Friday, May 6, 2016

Universal Evenings Commence

Last Summer, C.J., Zack, and I would usually get together once a week, have a cheap and quick meal out, and then go to Universal for the evening. Oftentimes, C.J. would come over for the day and we would watch either the Walking Dead or American Horror Story.   We are hoping to be able to do this again this summer but with Zack's annual pass set to expire on July 2, it will all depend on if I can afford to re-new it right away.  C.J. and I have comp passes but I guess summers are blacked out.  Also, I would love for Jon to come along, but theme parks are definitely not his thing.

Technically it's not summer yet, but C.J. is through with school so  we're calling it summer.  Yesterday C.J. came over around midday and we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show and, while it was very creative, it was also pretty outrageous and downright bizarre.  Then we went to Chick-fil-A and to Universal. It was a beautiful evening and even slightly cool.  After the sun went down, I was glad I had my sweatshirt with me.   

We decided the best thing to do was to each pick a ride that we wanted to go on.  I picked the Seuss Trolley but it supposedly had a 30 minute wait so I changed it to Cat in the Hat. 

Zack picked The Mummy, and C.J. picked E.T.  E.T.'s days are numbered so we need to get on it as much as we can this summer.  

We also went on the Twirl and Hurl

and went to Shrek on the way out. 

We stayed until about 9:00 and got some Menchies on the way out.  Cake Batter with chocolate sprinkles for me...vanilla with everything in the world on it for Zack.  

Looking forward to many more Universal evenings.  

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