Monday, January 25, 2016

The Post Where I am Going to Rant About My Pet Peeve

People who show up late for sporting events, theaters, etc...

Friday night, we were enjoying the Magic game when, in the middle of the first quarter, a couple walks up and takes their seats right next to me!  UGH!  

And just as I was thinking, 'well at least the seats in front of me are empty', four people arrive to occupy those seats.  My anxiety level starts to rise and all I can do is lean my head back on my chair and stare at the ceiling trying no to think about being trapped in the middle of people.  

C.J. saw four empty rows in the section next to us so we moved to the back row there.  We were completely alone up there.  


At the beginning of the 2 quarter, these two yahoos arrived. 

Followed not three minutes later by these two couples

And, just when I think it can't get does with the addition of these 4.  

Suddenly, the row in front of us, which had been empty when the 2nd quarter began, now had 10 people in it! 

And see those empty seats next to me?  Yep...them too.

Six characters arrive halfway through the second quarter.  


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