Thursday, February 26, 2015

It's Now or Never

About a month ago I thought about taking to Zack to Minnesota during Spring Break.  Truthfully, it was mostly to just add another state to his list of states visited.

At the time I thought about maybe spending some time at the Mall of America...but this report changed my mind:

Mall of America Target

I'm not one inclined to live in fear of the what-ifs and the maybes but I know this is a serious threat because on February 14th I watched this:

Terror at the Mall (which was very good by the way)

So I came up with a better plan...why stop at Minnesota?  Why not go all the way to Mount Rushmore?

This will also add South Dakota to his list...

But why stop there?

We may as well take the extra two hours and visit Devils Tower in Wyoming - made more popular because of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind

This much I know we will do.  I'm still contemplating whether we should venture up to Montana and then across North Dakota.  This would most likely be a very boring drive for the sole purpose of adding two more states to his list. I've already been in all these states so it is not new to me.  

I know once we move to Florida this summer, we will never have this opportunity again so it's now or never.  

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