Saturday, August 16, 2014

Zack's Gator Room

It's been a while since Zack has had the opportunity to pick his room decor.  A few years ago we did some decorating with our stimulus money and, at that time, Zack picked a Spiderman theme.  

When we moved into this apartment I gave him the freedom to decorate his room any way he wanted.  The only restriction was that we could not paint it. To no ones surprise he picked a Florida Gator theme. 

As soon as the money from our house came through, I got on the internet and ordered bedding and curtains and we have been (im)patiently waiting for them to arrive.

The bedding was delivered Wednesday and the curtains Thursday so I put everything together yesterday and it looks pretty nice!
Not sure why we did not get the headboard for the bed  but I have to go back and get it.  It looks terrible like this

Stalking Dog

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