Monday, August 25, 2014

Oh Yeah...School Started

The 2014-2015 school year has begun!

I am so excited about the direction God is leading our school and am all revved up for a great year!

I love my schedule this year which has me done at 1:00 on Mondays, off on Tuesdays, done at 1:00 on Thursday, and (drum roll please) done at 11:00 on Fridays.  

And the fact that I now live so close to school and Zack is not attending means I don't have to endure hours on end of sitting in my room wasting time until 3:30 when he would be done...I can just simply leave when I am finished.

I am not a morning person though so the fact that I can sleep as late as I want on Tuesday and don't have to be in until 9:15 on Wednesday appeals to the 'I-hate-to-get-out-of-bed-in-the morning' side of me.  

What I am REALLY loving, though, is that we now have all new computers!  It was necessary because Windows XP is now obsolete and we were operating with Windows XP.  So...while it made more work for me before school began (downloading and installing all the programs I use) I will not have any more space issues (18-20 GB of space you are now a part of my past) and, hopefully, I will have no more issues that go along with outdated computers like hard drive crashes.  

So...looking forward to a great school year.  

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