Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Eulogizing A Child

Michael Brown

Is there a person in the USA that doesn't recognize that name by now?

I'll be honest here - when I heard what had happened there in Ferguson, I was disgusted and outraged.   I don't know all the details of the incidence.  I know what the media has put out there - and if what the media has put out there is 100% accurate, then a crime has been committed and the perpetrator needs to pay the price.  Period.  No one should be allowed to shoot an unarmed person 6 times, twice in the head, and not be charged with a crime!!! 

I think what happened to that young man is a shame because he was a wonderful, worthy child of God. To me, it didn't matter what the color of his skin was, the real shame is that the promising life of a young man has ended and it was completely unnecessary.   

Anyway, the funeral was televised this morning and (just my two cents here) I was saddened that what should have been a celebration and remembrance of the life of a beautiful person was used as a platform for racial and social change...even if it was in the name of Michael Brown. I just don't think it was right time to be focusing on those issues or even for seeking justice or vengeance.  At times it sounded more like a rally for justice and change than a tribute to the young man and his life.  Again, just my opinion.    

But, oohh, the eulogy his step-mother gave...it gave me chills.  She spoke so quietly of a relationship with her step-son that had grown over the summer as they both had a deeper desire to know God and read the Bible.  She spoke of premonitions of death that he had and of his desire to make a difference in this world!  Specifically he said, "one day, everyone will know who I am."  I am certain that God granted him that gift of prophesy. 

Anguish: Michael Brown Sr., yells out as the casket carrying his son is lowered during the funeral service of Michael Brown in Normandy, Missouri on Monday, August 25, 2014
Too much: Lesley McSpadden, Michael Brown's mother, cries during her son's funeral at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, St Louis
Laid to rest: A horse-drawn hearse carries Michael Brown to his gravesite at St. Peters Cemetery in Normandy, Missouri on Monday
A casket containing the body of Michael Brown is wheeled out of the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis

* images from google*
In the midst of this senseless tragedy...let's not lose sight of who this young man was.  Regardless of the color of his skin or the circumstances surrounding his death..he was a human being ...he was someone's son, grandson, brother, nephew,cousin, friend.  And he was loved.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Oh Yeah...School Started

The 2014-2015 school year has begun!

I am so excited about the direction God is leading our school and am all revved up for a great year!

I love my schedule this year which has me done at 1:00 on Mondays, off on Tuesdays, done at 1:00 on Thursday, and (drum roll please) done at 11:00 on Fridays.  

And the fact that I now live so close to school and Zack is not attending means I don't have to endure hours on end of sitting in my room wasting time until 3:30 when he would be done...I can just simply leave when I am finished.

I am not a morning person though so the fact that I can sleep as late as I want on Tuesday and don't have to be in until 9:15 on Wednesday appeals to the 'I-hate-to-get-out-of-bed-in-the morning' side of me.  

What I am REALLY loving, though, is that we now have all new computers!  It was necessary because Windows XP is now obsolete and we were operating with Windows XP.  So...while it made more work for me before school began (downloading and installing all the programs I use) I will not have any more space issues (18-20 GB of space you are now a part of my past) and, hopefully, I will have no more issues that go along with outdated computers like hard drive crashes.  

So...looking forward to a great school year.  

Monday, August 18, 2014

This Is Who I Am ---Like It Or Not

I have had many mixed feelings on how much to share about our family situation.  I really don't feel like opening up and sharing all our issues with the online world...but, then again, this is my blog and, like it or not, this is my life...this is my reality...this is who I am!

I am a twice divorced woman...it stings me to the core every time I say that.  The past three months have been spent reconciling who I am because I now am someone I never wanted to be.  

I feel as if I am on a constant roller coaster of emotions teetering between feeling excited about our future in Florida and feeling ashamed and embarrassed about my current situation .  My feelings waffle between being happy that my son is now out of that situation and being downright angry and wanting answers.

There are times that I feel strong and can feel the love and peace of God surrounding me and then, out of the blue, I'll get hit with feelings of sadness that I could not make our marriage work - and believe me - I tried!!!

I get up in the morning, go through the motions of the day, and put on a happy face because that is what people want.  People are kind and ask me how things are going but...let's be honest...all they want to hear is that things are fine so that is what I say. Honestly, no one wants to stand around for fifteen minutes listening to you lament about how your life has gotten off track and how you're angry, sad, afraid, but yet happy and excited at the same time.  

I'm pretty sure all these feelings are normal in this situation but they are not welcome in my life.   

So...that is where I am now.  Trapped between two separate entity of feelings depending on the day, hour, or even the minute. Enjoying leisurely walks with the dog while I have quiet time with God and trust Him to help me work through these feelings and restore me! 

I will survive!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Zack's Gator Room

It's been a while since Zack has had the opportunity to pick his room decor.  A few years ago we did some decorating with our stimulus money and, at that time, Zack picked a Spiderman theme.  

When we moved into this apartment I gave him the freedom to decorate his room any way he wanted.  The only restriction was that we could not paint it. To no ones surprise he picked a Florida Gator theme. 

As soon as the money from our house came through, I got on the internet and ordered bedding and curtains and we have been (im)patiently waiting for them to arrive.

The bedding was delivered Wednesday and the curtains Thursday so I put everything together yesterday and it looks pretty nice!
Not sure why we did not get the headboard for the bed  but I have to go back and get it.  It looks terrible like this

Stalking Dog

Friday, August 15, 2014

Great Things Coming

I just finished three days of in-service in preparation for a new school year and may I just say - I am excited!!!!

I usually do get excited at the beginning of a year...I'm not one of those teachers that mope around and lament about summer vacation ending.  No!!  I am one of those teachers that looks forward to seeing old students, meeting new students, and living with a schedule.

I also look forward to a fresh beginning...a clean slate.  This year I am particularly excited because, if you remember, the end of last school year was rough.  After attending in-service, I have no doubt that God has BIG things planned for our student's and our school this year!  

On a related note...I have decided on a plan for Zack's schooling this year. After looking closely at several options, I have decided to use Switched on Schoolhouse.  You can find information about it here.  I ordered the 9th grade curriculum even though he will probably need a little extra help with the math and he will be repeating World Geography which he had last year.  I love that it has a Bible component!  That was very important to me.  

Also, Zack's bedding and curtains arrived a couple days ago...hopefully I will have time to edit the pictures tomorrow and get them on here.  

Monday, August 11, 2014

I Know These Are Your Pillows But I'm Pretty Comfortable Here

Before our couch was delivered, I set my pillows on the floor in the living room, went to the kitchen, and came back to this.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

And Now We Have Furniture

Pictures of the furnished apartment.  All that is left is to find a few more things for the walls.  I also have my grandmother's rocking chair that I need to find cushions for and then that will be added to the living room.

Bedroom furniture on clearance from WG&R

The bed is so high I have to nearly jump to get on it but the mattress is one of the best they had.  

Ollie's bed next to the night stand

Dining Room...I have since gotten a red table cloth for the table.  Table is courtesy of my wonderful friends who are letting me use it this year. 

I was looking for something that would hold my keys, sunglasses, and Ollie's leash that I could hang next to the door.  This works.

Couch was on clearance from WG&R.  The pillows must have come with it because I did not order or pay for them. The couch is a sleeper sofa.  That will be necessary when C.J. and Jon come to  visit.  Nevermind the dog...and the fact that Zack put the far right cushion on backwards.  

This is where the rocking chair will go

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New Beginnings

As mentioned previously, hubby and I went our separate ways.  I am not wishing to air all our dirty laundry on the World Wide Web so I will simply say that I am satisfied with the fact that  did everything I could do to maintain our relationship and now I can move on to a new future with complete peace.  

After years of tense living conditions I am actually looking forward to our new life.  Zack and I (and Ollie, of course) are now settled into our apartment - our home for the next 10 months.  I was able to secure a lease through May 31st, at which point we will make our way to Orlando.  

Originally, I looked at an apartment on the first floor that was pretty small and very dated.  I decided to make sacrifices this year to save money for our move.  When I called to finalize the signing of the lease, they told me I had been moved to a second floor apartment in another building.  I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it!!!  It had brand new carpet, a storage room off the living room, and it was bigger than the original apartment!  We will be quite comfortable here.

One of the things I had decided was that I was going to take some of the money I received from the house settlement and buy new furniture.  I have NEVER had new things so I decided it was time to buy nice things that will last for a while.  

The entertainment center and TV were delivered from Best Buy on Friday.  My bedroom set and end table for the living room were delivered from WG&R today, and a sleeper sofa will be delivered on Thursday.  I also went out and bought three bookshelves (for the living room and each of the bedrooms) and put them together myself.  

Here are a few pictures - mostly unfurnished rooms.  
Living room and storage room

Dining room

My room

Zack's room

Zack's room

Zack's bed...I just ordered some Florida Gator bedding and curtains tonight so hopefully it will be delivered sometime next week

TV, entertainment center, trash bag, and dog waiting to be taken outside.  It was purely coincidental that the U of F is on the TV...I was watching Forensic Files.  

The tiny kitchen

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...