Friday, March 21, 2014

I Gotta Write Something

I'm in a blogging funk.  I want to record things so that I will remember them but...really...nothing has been happening.

Life is so boring lately.  Go to school...come home...go to school...come home....repeat, repeat, repeat.  Not a thing that is  blogworthy. 

Speaking of school, I cannot believe we are starting the 4th quarter next week.  Seriously, where did this school year go?  Also, I cannot believe we are over a month done with basketball and there still has not been an awards ceremony yet.  I'm beginning to wonder if there is even going to be one. 

I am in the process of sending out resumes to Florida schools as well as filling out online applications. It's so hard to determine what prospective employers prefer. 

This evening  we met Zack's little friend, Hailey, and her grandma at Tortilla Flats for dinner.  A lot of fun and great conversation. I did have my camera but didn't feel like Zack would appreciate pictures so I restrained myself.  Generally, as a rule, dating is not allowed until he is 16 (preferably 18) but a completely chaperoned dinner with family I thought was okay. 

That's about it.  Tomorrow night is the school's annual auction/dinner and I am so excited.  It is always a very fun evening.

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