Sunday, March 16, 2014

ER Visit

Things did not go so well yesterday after all.  All was well at noon and I hadn't thrown up since 5:00 so I decided to go ahead and take my medication.  

Not fifteen minutes later, it came back up.  I waited another hour and tried again...same thing.  Two hours later...repeat.

By this time, it had been over 28 hours since my last dose of Tramadol and that is way too long.   

So I had to go to the ER.  They were able to give me medication to calm my stomach enough that I could keep the Tramadol down.  The doctor also wanted to give me an IV of fluids since, apparently, my heart rate was pretty high.

But I was able to talk her into waiting.  I took the Tramadol and had some Pedialyte and a half hour later the heart rate came down and she let us leave. 

I have such wonderful sons who came along to keep me company.  

The rest of the evening Zack kept checking on me to see if I was taking sips of fluids every few minutes like the doctor instructed me to.  

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