Thursday, February 6, 2014

Conversation with A Seven Year Old

Talking with a 7 year old can be rough...trying not to damage their burgeoning and fragile psyche is tricky...

As I found out today:

The first graders were working in a drawing program on the computers

Child: "How do you like my picture, Mrs. S?"  

Me:  "That is a beautiful cat"

Child: "It's not a cat"

Me:  "Oh... yes...I see that now.  I was just looking at the ears" (as I point to two pointy things on top of a mis-shapen oval head).

Child: "Those are not the ears...those are the eyes."

Me: "Yep...uh-huh, I can see that (NOT)!  Once I looked at it a leeettle longer I could definitely tell those were eyes and not ears." 

At this point I thought it was best to keep my mouth shut so I subtlely start to back away...and then:

Child: "I love frogs"

Me:  " I can see drew a beautiful frog."

Child: "Thank you." 

YES!!!!!  Conversation over.

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