Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pain Sucks!!!!!

Since having to go off the Diclofenac at the end of May due to high liver levels...the pain is back!

Some days are pretty okay...some days are horrible...but most days are somewhere in between.  There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the level of pain.  For instance, if I could relate it to weather or activity level then I might be able to control it a little better.

Today is a horrible day - HORRIBLE!!!  Could it be the heat?  I doubt it because Monday and yesterday were "normal" days and they were just as hot as today. 

Most people don't realize the pain I live with because I DO NOT like to be a complainer.  My grandmother used to complain about her aches and pains constantly and it got to the point where no one wanted to talk to her because that is all she talked about.  God forbid...I don't want to become that!

I am back to the pain medicine... on bad days I have to take it two (sometimes three) times.  On the good days...I only take it once.  But, unfortunately, there has become a dependence and, even if it is a good day and I feel relatively well, I have to eventually take a dose (or half a dose) to fend off withdrawal symptoms.  I hate this!!!!

Last year I was watching a Dr. Phil episode about a woman who supposedly lived with chronic pain and was addicted to pain medication.  Dr. Phil offered her a complete work-up with the country's finest doctors who felt certain they could help her get off the medication and be pain free.

She turned it down!!!!!! She turned it down!!!!!

She just wanted to remain on her pain medication!

I'm sorry...but this lady did NOT have any pain or she would have jumped at the help.

Pain medication does not even take the pain away just takes the edge off the pain and makes it more bearable to do things such as...move! 

Living like this sucks!! And I would love forever anyone who offered to help me find permanent relief from my pain.

I try not to be discouraged and remind myself that I can hopefully start taking the Diclofenac again next month if all my blood work looks good.  I have also talked with others who have chronic inflammatory illnesses and they have reassured me that it takes a while to get a proper diagnosis and get on the right medication - sometimes up to three years.  I am going on a year. 

So, all who read this (if you are still reading this) thanks for reading my vent.  Join me in prayer that I can resume the Diclofenac next month. 

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