Saturday, March 16, 2013

Back to my Bane

We are now back to our regularly scheduled other words, I am back in my Computer Room.

On the positive side:
- I am back to my part/three quarters time schedule and back to having Mondays off
- this job is a lot easier with much more planning and prep time
- a lot more flexibility with my schedule.  If I want to run to the store during school hours I can.  
- I missed the interaction with the middle school kids

On the negative side:
- I am back to this

I know this is hard to see but it says 299MB of available space on this hard drive!  Seriously...not even 1 GB.  And I was welcomed back to not just one but THREE computers like this!  

So far I have only been able to free up significant space on one of the three computers.

My impulse is to wipe out everything on all the hard drives and then re-install the necessary programs...but my wishing mind keeps hoping we'll get new computers - or even external hard drives would be helpful.

In the meantime I am left doing disk clean-ups, de-fragmenting, getting rid of temporary files, and searching the hard drive for files or documents I can delete...

It is as time consuming as it sounds.

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