Friday, February 15, 2013

Last Game of the Season

Last night we drove to the tiny, remote town of Manawa for the last basketball of the season.  Although the score and outcome of the game were disappointing (another loss), it was one one of their better team performances of the year.

For a change their passing was crisp and purposeful with few turnovers, and Zack only had 8 of the team's final 27 points.  

In fact, he made the most unbelievable play...after a rebound by the other team, as everyone was running to the other side of the court, the guy who had rebounded the ball was holding it... preparing to pass it to the point guard.  Well...Zack just stepped right up, took the ball out of the kid's hands, turned around and made a basket!

The drive home was torture with blinding snow while driving along back roads at 25 mph.  I could not see the road.  Actually, the only was I knew I was even on the road was by looking at the Garmin.
So Zack's 7th grade season is over.  I didn't think it was possible but he played even better this year than he did last year.

My stats have him scoring 143 points this year...less than his 148 last year but he played less games this year.  Overall, he averaged about 9 points a game this year compared to 8 last year.

So proud of you, Zack.  

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