Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'll Take Boring For 100, Alex

Friday completed the second straight week of being constantly on the run.  

The week began with retreat = a 36 straight hour commitment.  And to top it off I had one of the worst migraines of my life on the way fact I had to drive the whole way with my head leaning back against the headrest.  then once I was home I had to alternate between lying in bed for awhile and  then spending about 5 minutes unpacking.  If I was upright any longer than that my head would pound and I would feel nauseous.  Luckily, I can sleep my migraines off so I fine by the next day.

Wednesday night was errands night and Thursday mom and dad decided to drive down and stay overnight before leaving for Florida Friday morning.  

Add to all that the fact that I am working through beginning of the year issues in the Computer Room (changing log-in passwords, removing temporary files, placing desktop folders, etc)  and I feel a bit like I am moving through life striking things off my mental list of "things I need to do" with time to enjoy little else. I hate that!  

Once again I desperately needed the weekend to recharge my battery. 

On an unrelated note: Zack is into stealing my camera and taking pictures of himself in the mirror.  I never know what I'm gonna find on my card when I download pictures!

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