Saturday, July 11, 2015

Let's Talk Incompetence

Yay it's CJ's birthday but we're actually celebrating it tomorrow so I'll do a big post then. We did go out to eat tonight and to Universal so that was fun.

I'm a pretty patient person (um...except when it comes to driving) but I have had my limit for dealing with incompetence lately.  

It started last month when my health insurance was canceled because the lady who took my payment over the phone must not have processed it properly.  That fiasco took 3 days to clear up.

Three weeks ago I ordered two pair of shorts online.  My address is pretty confusing in that my mailbox number is not the same as my apartment number. Well, to shorten the story UPS could not deliver my shorts but left a note card instead with a number to call.  I called that number on July 1 and gave them the proper address and was told "it is scheduled for delivery tomorrow."  

Two days package.  I said I'm a patient person so I waited 3 days before calling again ---and finding out that the package was instead sent back to the company!!!!!  I called the company to have them re-send it and was told it could take up to two weeks to get.  Glad I paid the extra money to get 3 day delivery when I placed the order on June 25!

That brings us to today!

In the mail today was a notice from Geico that they had discontinued my insurance because they require either an inspection or a bill of sale from the dealership (for new cars).  

I have called the dealership TWICE and asked them to fax the bill of sale to Geico...which they obviously didn't do either time.  So I called Geico and the conversation went something like this:

Me: "Obviously you did not receive the bill of sale from the dealership."

Man: "No, we did not"

Me: "Well what can I do to get my car re-insured?"

Man: "The quickest thing would be to take it for an inspection. The inspection takes two minutes and then we will be able to reinstate your insurance."


Man: "Oh...hmmm..

Me: "Look, I know this isn't your fault  but this is not a good weekend to be without insurance.  It's my sons birthday and we have parties planned. What can I do?"

Man: "Hold on...I'll see if we can come up with something."

A couple minutes later:

Man:"Maam, do you have the bill of sale ?"

Me: "yes"

Man: "If you could take a picture of it and e-mail it to us...we should be able to have things re-instated in about 45 minutes."

So I take about 7 pictures - because the bill of sale is too big to get in just one picture - and send the e-mail off at 12:54 pm. with a message to call or email when everything was taken care of so I would know it was okay to drive.

4:00 pm

I still hadn't heard anything so I call back.

Man: "No maam. Your insurance is still inactive."

Me: "Well, do you know if anyone checked the email I sent?"

Man:"I don't know but I will check."

A couple minutes on hold:

Man: "Maam.  We have everything we need.  We will review it and send you an email within 15 minutes."

An email from Geico
GEICO for 24-hour service

Case: 13148868

Dear Judy Koek:

Thank you for contacting GEICO.

We received an email from you with an attached bill of sale.

After reviewing this document, we are unable to accept this for the following reason:

-Unable to view the entire document

For your convenience, you can attach another copy of this document to a reply email or you can mail, fax, or email the requested documentation to:    

At this time I was beyond frustrated, got online and signed up for Progressive insurance.  Then I called Geico to cancel my policy.

Me: "I need to cancel my policy.  It has nothing to do with the company. I realize this was not your fault but I cannot be without insurance this weekend."

Lady: "I am seeing that you are covered.  Your policy was reinstated 15 minutes ago."


Lady:"You were sent an e-mail notifying you."

Me: "I was sent an e-mail stating they WERE NOT going to reinstate."

I check the e-mails again. I couldn't believe I had read it wrong.  

E-mail from Geico

I have received your email with the attached bill of sale.

We have reinstated the physical damage coverage for your 2015 Toyota Corolla.  Your new premium is--------.

You may view your updated policy and payment schedule by logging in at

What the heck happened between 4:22 and 4:38?   


Now I have to decide which insurance I want to cancel. Geico was a lot cheaper so I'll probably keep them. 

Side note: I am furious with the Toyota dealership and they are going to be receiving a call from me on Monday!

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