Sunday, July 12, 2015

Birthday Boy

The last birthday I was able to celebrate with C.J. was when he was 18.  Before that it was 13.  So basically I have been with him for 2 out his last 11 birthdays which is why I was so excited for this year.  
So I wasn't too happy about that whole insurance fiasco yesterday but it all worked out in the end and we were able to meet together at TGI Friday's for dinner.

Birthday boy with his brothers

After dinner we headed over to Universal Studios...we had fun but no pictures.

Today we all headed over to my parent's for dinner.  Zack and I arrived a bit early so he could get in a swim...

...before everyone else arrived.

Of course it wouldn't be an Italian get together without some kind of drama so...yeah...there was a little of that.  But drama aside, we had a great dinner. 

Ollie thinks everyone loves him
There is something very nostalgic about my kid's birthdays.  It takes me back to the day when I first laid eyes on them and the first hug and the first kiss.  I think about all the hopes and dreams that were wrapped up those hugs and kisses.  And realize that they are the living embodiment of those dreams.

I love you, C.J. and am so happy to be your mom.  

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