Friday, May 9, 2014

Airport Pick-Up

One of the hardest things right now is being separated from my son (and soon to be two sons) by 1,400 miles.  Now, that it will be another whole year before we move to Florida, I have to continue to endure it.  

Because of this distance, I only get to see C.J. about 4-5-times a year.  This is why I get so excited to pick him up from the airport.  

He flew in to Milwaukee this morning and I was a bit late so by the time I got there, his plane had already landed.

The Milwaukee airport was busy so I had to push and shove my way through thousands of people to get to him.

He had luggage which he doesn't usually have 

and then I decided to take an alternative route home because of a huge traffic tie-up I saw when I was driving to the airport...yeah...that didn't work out so well.  

The hour and a half drive home ended up taking us a bit over two hours after getting lost.  I didn't bring the garmin either...good thing C.J.'s phone has a navigational devise in it.  

Looking forward to spending the next two weeks with him.
confusing art work

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