Friday, July 29, 2011


A small (yet big) correction to the last post:

That is not a blimp as I had been calling it.  It is instead a Zeppelin - a Farmer's Airship Zeppelin NT to be exact.  The Hindenburg was a Zeppelin.

According to our city newspaper this morning: at 246 feet long, this airship is 15 feet longer than a Boeing 747 and 50 feet longer than the largest commercial blimp currently operating.  

And for "just" $399.00 you can go for a 45 minute ride!  For some reason, instead of flying around the city and looking at the river and buildings and various subdivisions... they have chosen to fly over the farm fields of Omro... which puts the flight path almost directly over our house.

Today, I spent the day outside cutting the lawn (a 3 hour + ordeal for our 4 acres) 

so I spent the day watching the airship complete 3 full trips.  I was finally able to get some good pictures.

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