Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekend Up North

This weekend we headed up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The trip had a twofold purpose:
1). To spend Father's day with my daddy (yes, I'm a daddy's girl).
2). To visit with my grandmother.

Unfortunately, word from up there was that grandma had been going downhill for the past couple weeks.  In fact, for the first time ever, she was not able to get out of bed for our visit.  She tried desperately, bless her heart, but in the end it was just too painful for her to move.  So, she remained in her new hospital bed that was delivered last week, and we visited in her room.  

Saturday night was heart-wrenching  as she seemed overly drugged...slurring speech that was too difficult to understand so all we could do was smile and nod...she was unable to even muster enough strength to lift a fork to her mouth to eat...

But Sunday morning she seemed refreshed by a good night of rest and was very lucid and communicative.

Apparently, it is not unusual for her to have these yo-yo type days where one day she seems well and the next she is hallucinating and weak.  So our time with grandma may be running short....or she may rebound and stay around a couple more years... only God knows.

We also had a chance to visit one of our favorite places - the ski jump.  C.J. and Zack enjoy climbing all the way to the top.

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The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...