Monday, June 13, 2011

A New Road

From the moment his slippery six pound six ounce body was placed into my arms we have been traveling down the same road.   And suddenly and abruptly, that road has ended and a new one has begun.

At first, diaper changes and middle-of-the-night feedings:

 gave way to temper tantrums and broad smiles like these:

Life was somehow difficult... and easy at the same time.  You fed changed them... you cuddled poured your soul into them...hoping that every internal feeling you have towards goodness and kindness seeps into every bone in their body so that when this day comes.... the day they begin the journey down their new road... they're well equipped to not only survive, but thrive.

You find yourself wishing you would have taken just a bit more time to enjoy the precious moments... soaking in the memories so that they became permanently etched in your mind.

Because all too soon they grow up and go off to school...

and suddenly,though you are still walking this road together, the journey changes. Other influences now come into play...peers... teachers... helping you shape and mold this child into who he will become.  Life becomes somehow very rewarding  and satisfying as you watch this boy(s) grow into a fine young man(men)... displaying and exhibiting the very values and morals that you hoped would seep into their being.  You become comfortable and settle into this new journey hand in hand......

And then.. WHAM... it blindsides you.. this day:

oh, you knew it was coming... it had been marked on the calendar for months...but it was some obscure date that you put out of your mind...until it pounces on you!   And it is so momentously life-changing that it takes your breath away.

My goodness, loving these children and raising them to be beautiful, confident souls, and then letting them go to walk their journey on a new road... a different's a good feeling! A rewarding feeling! And a sad feeling all at the same time!  ***SIGH***

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