Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Normal

For me, June has always meant leisurely days basking in the sun and relaxing nights watching the sunset while sipping a nice glass of wine. It has meant late evenings watching movies with the kids and late mornings that begin well after the sun has arisen for the day.  

The past two years, it has also meant graduations.  Last year it was Lauren and C.J. who left behind their carefree high school years for the rigors of college life.

This year... it was Jon's turn.  Sunday was particularly exciting for me because... for reasons I won't get into here... two years ago I wasn't sure he would get his act together and even see this day... much less be going off to college to become an engineer.

Very proud of my boy:

showing off his diploma

A little brotherly love

and a little brotherly teasing

proud mother

The whole gang.  C.J., Zack, dad, Jon, mom, grandma, and grandpa

We are so proud of you, Jon.

Now we learn to adjust to our new normal... with one less child.             

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