Sunday, December 27, 2009

Adventures in Florida and the big Christmas Wrap-up

This picture was taken the night we got to Florida on the 20th. We were at McDonalds in Daytona Beach where we make the switch and Chris picks up the boys. Zack is so happy that the long drive is over!

On the night of the 22nd we went to St. Augustine to see the Christmas lights. We ate a Wendy's before walking down St. George street and I took this nice picture of Zack and my mom there.

For the very first time I let Zack open one of his presents early. He had been waiting for his new DS for a LONG time. The sweatshirt he is wearing is also a Christmas present (from my parents). I neglected to pack a sweatshirt for him so he had to open that up early as well!

On the 23rd we met the family of one of Zack's friends at EPCOT. They were also visiting Florida. We had a great time despite the unbelievable crowds of people.

Zack on Christmas eve after church. For the second year in a row we went to my parents Catholic church and even though I am not fond of the Catholic mass, it wasn't too bad - even though it was more than 1.5 hours which really made my mother mad!

Zack opening a couple of his presents Christmas morning. We had set 8:00 as the wake up time. Even though he was up before that he stayed quiet until 8:00. I wouldn't care if I had to get up earlier but I don't want my parents to have to get up that early so 8:00 it is.

C.J. openng his Red Sox sweatshirt on Christmas morning

Jon opening his gifts Christmas morning - a Florida Gators sweatshirt.

One of Zack's presents was a ping pong set. Even though we do not have a table, we enjoy just hitting the ball around on the floor. He and I had played all morning and after his brothers came, he roped them into playing as well.

Then the boys moved outside to throw the football around for awhile.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Greeting From Flagler Beach, Florida

After a long two day, 23 hour drive, we are back in my old "neck of the woods" to spend Christmas with my parents. The boys and I left on Saturday morning, spent the night in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and arrived here about 6:30 last night. As usual, we took the Palm Coast exit and drove past our old house -for sentimental reasons. Unfortunately, the tree in the front is very overgrown blocking almost the whole view of the house. For some unknown reason, as if two days of rising before the sun comes up isn't enough, Zack was up fairly early this morning. I rolled out about 8:30 and then we spent the day having lunch at Barbara Jeans (one of our fav. restaurants), went Christmas shopping, and I made cookies. Tonight we are meeting my sister at the Ale House for some food and sisterly gab. Have a great holiday everyone.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Concert

Last night we had our Christmas concert for school. Zack had a big solo and he was really excited about it! I wa svery proud of him

Zack getting ready to belt out his solo

The sixth graders put on a little play for the kindergarten through fifth grade this morning. They did such an awesome job. It was about a scientist who accidently transports a shepherd into the present time and then together they go back in time to the birth of Jesus.
The angels getting ready to proclain the news of the birth of a Savior to the shepherds.

Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus

The entire sixth grade cast

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Special Chapel

Wednesdays at school are Chapel days and today some of the fourth and fifth graders put on a special Christmas chapel centering on, of course, the nativity. Most of the pictures I took were too blurry since I had to use the zoom lens, but these two turned out okay. That is Zack, in the purple, as a wiseman.

He did so well up there on stage (of all days I forgot to give him his medication today). He was actually supposed to be Joseph but made an unwise decision last week and missed a practice so they gave the part of Joseph to another boy. He was sad but it will be good learning experience for him - hopefully.

And check out the models of the planets that my kids made. Each year, during our Solar System unit, the kids are assigned a planet and they have to make a model and give a 2 minute report. I get great feedback from the kids that they love doing this. It is one of my highlights of the year as well.

I thought this one of Saturn was pretty creative. They thought of using a CD as the rings!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Final Stretch

Well, we are down to our last week before Christmas vacation. This, to me, always means that the school year is half over (even though that is not really until the middle of January). This week will be a very busy one though with concerts on Tuesday and Thursday nights and a basketball game on Monday night. I don't mind doing those things, it's the never-ending homework that Zack has been having lately that is really wearing me down. The countdown begins: 6 days to Florida.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day

Blizzard Allison paid us a visit last night bringing 10-16 inches of snow and high winds. This means a day off of school today. We knew last night already that school was closing today so we could stay up later and sleep in this morning.
This was the view out our front door this morning. We live in the country so there is a lot of blowing and drifting snow!

Lauren bundled up and took Ollie out to play in the snow. The snowbanks were so high that they were bigger than Ollie. He nearly disappeared in them.

This was Ollie's face when he came back in. Unfortunately, his whole body had ice balls like this and he could barely walk so we had to put him in a hot tub to melt them.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Grandma's 94th Birthday

Each year, on the first Saturday in December, we travel north to Iron Mountain, Michigan to see my grandma before Christmas. This year, it also happened to be on her 94th birthday too. Since we only get there about three times a year I always make sure to get a picture of her with the boys.

She is an unbelievable woman - at 94 her mind is as sharp as a tack and she still lives alone in her own home. She has defintely been blessed by God and we have been blessed by her presence. When my grandpa died a year and a half ago, we all thought that she would not last long without him. But she is still going strong! She loves politics, history, geneology, and the Lord!
Unfortunately, while we were there, we also watched the horrible football game: Gators vs. Alabama. I can't recall ever seeing the Gators play that poorly!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Birthday Blessings

Well, today is my birthday. I am 40 something years old (luckily I can still fool some of the kids at school into believing that I am 26). I would like to think that I still look like 26 but it is more likely that they just don't understand age yet. My fourth graders can connect the dots and figure out that I have an 18 year old son and could not possibly be 26! In which case I say... " okay, so I am 30!" At least it makes them think about it for another few minutes.
Anyway, do I mind being 44 - no, not really at all. When I was younger, I thought that turning 40 would really bother me.. but it hasn't in the least. In fact, I am happier, more stable, and more content than I have ever been in my life. Perhaps all the turmoil and unhappiness I had in my late 20's and 30's is the reason that I feel so good now at this point in my life. Perhaps, but I believe something different. I believe it is because I found one special person who makes everything seem alright wherever I am and whatever I am doing. No, it's not my husband (though he is a big part of it) - it is God! It has only been the past couple years that I have found the peace and happiness that comes from surrendering your life to the LORD! I am speaking of complete surrender - letting God's will for me be fulfilled. I have stopped asking "why" or saying "I want this" and now just ask for God to do HIS will in my life. PEACE follows. I no longer over-analyze everything and think about circumstances that could have changed an outcome. The outcome was God's will from the start... therefore couldn't have changed! PEACE follows. Sure, things still happen that cause me to be upset (fight with hubby, C.J. leaving next year) but they are also for a purpose designated by God.
And so, with this birthday today, I thank the almighty God for His many blessings in my life.. the obvious ones being my family, friends, job, etc. But I also thank HIM for the turmoil and problems I have endured in my life for they all have a part in making me who I am today! So, I move forward in life looking forward to all He has in store for me. It may be great... it may be a difficult road... it may be a may be a very different life than I am leading right now.. but whatever it is, I pray that I handle it in a way that brings honor and glory to GOD!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

After a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner of pepperoni pizza and rice krispie treats (yep,it is true) at the in-laws, complete with a couple games of cards and a football game, we came home so that Jerry could put up the Christmas tree. Since he is working nights all weekend, today was the only opportunity to do it.

I would do it myself but my hubby is a bit of a perfectionist and, apparently, I don't do it correctly.

Meanwhile, Ollie watched and was very curious about this new thing in the living room.

As soon as it was put together Zack and I were able to add the ornaments.

So today, like every day, I give God thanks for everything!!! But especially for my wonderful family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh The Joys of Motherhood

I remember when I was younger and my mother had to discipline me. She would say "believe me, this hurts me just as much as it hurts you." Those words are so true!. Now, I am not a big punishment giver - I would rather my children obey out of fear of God.. not fear of me! But today, I did - I had to. It has been building for a couple days - Zack has been challenging decisions I make i.e. "why do I have to get up so early, why can't I stay up later at night?" Now, I don't mind him asking those questions, I don't even mind answering those questions, it's the whining that immediately follows the explanations that bothers me. So today, he had a basketball game at 6:00 and after school he came into my room and asked to go home with his friend until it was time for the game. The problem was.. his friend doesn't go home - he goes to daycare. I tried to explain to Zack that you can't just "show up" at a daycare when you are not registered there... that they wouldn't know who he was.. what he was doing there...**insert whining**.. then I told him that we were going to the mall before the game to get a pretzel instead (which he really loves doing)**insert more whining** Finally, I let the words slip from my mouth.. "fine, then we won't go to your game at all.. we are going straight home." **Insert 15 minutes of pathetic wailing, crying, pleading, and begging for a second chance. Followed by some hugs and kisses to try to sweeten me up** Sorry kid.. not working. I felt absolutely miserable and downight sad but could not give in or my word will not mean anything to him anymore. He has to learn that I mean what I say. So, here we are at home and not at his game tonight...I am feeling awful...he has already gotten over it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Grandparents Day at School

Thursday November 12th was Grandparents Day at our school. My parents came from Florida to be with Zack. First the kids put on a little performance for the gandparents and then the grandparents visit the classrooms. Zack's class sang two songs - one about Jesus breaking the chains of our lives, and the Voice of Truth.

My chains are gone - I have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oshkosh Christian School Basketball Game

Zack had his first basketball game yesterday. He plays on the B team which is 5th and 6th grade boys. He didn't play much but for the first ever time playing basketball he did pretty good. His team ended up winning 23 - 20. I think they scored the last five points of the game because at one point with not much time left in the game, they were losing by two.

He was a guard and once he got into the game he picked a "spot" on offense and planted himself there. He didn't move once. What a funny kid!

Running down the court to get back on offense (back to the same "spot")

Finally he got the ball - then he passed it right back to #23. He said that is what coach told him to do because he is the "wing man." ????

Guarding an inbound pass

We are so proud of you, Zack! Keep practicing!

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...