Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Special Chapel

Wednesdays at school are Chapel days and today some of the fourth and fifth graders put on a special Christmas chapel centering on, of course, the nativity. Most of the pictures I took were too blurry since I had to use the zoom lens, but these two turned out okay. That is Zack, in the purple, as a wiseman.

He did so well up there on stage (of all days I forgot to give him his medication today). He was actually supposed to be Joseph but made an unwise decision last week and missed a practice so they gave the part of Joseph to another boy. He was sad but it will be good learning experience for him - hopefully.

And check out the models of the planets that my kids made. Each year, during our Solar System unit, the kids are assigned a planet and they have to make a model and give a 2 minute report. I get great feedback from the kids that they love doing this. It is one of my highlights of the year as well.

I thought this one of Saturn was pretty creative. They thought of using a CD as the rings!

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