Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A "Chance" Meeting

Of course there was nothing that was "chance" about this meeting because God had this planned all along, but I just love how encounters with strangers can sometimes be so perfect!  And that is what happened to me today.

I dropped Zack off at school at 3:30 for tutoring and then, at the last minute, decided to make a trip to St. Vincent DePaul to look for some sleeveless shirts. I really hardly ever buy new but have adopted the Duggers saying, "buy used and save the difference." You can get some really great stuff at those discount stores. 

So anyway, there I am in the checkout line with about 30 other people because the store was closing and the lady behind me asked me if we had any good grocery stores in town.  So I told her about a couple places and then she said she was from Louisville, Kentucky here for some kind of home school meeting.  She was holding a pair of boys boots and mentioned that her family had moved from Alabama to Kentucky in September and were not at all prepared for snow.  She said, "well I have 7 kids and now I have 1 pair of boots."  

I know it sounds weird but I said, " I have two pair of perfectly good boots at my apartment that I want to give away.  I am moving to Orlando next month and have no need for them anymore." Then I thought more and said, "in fact I also have two pair of snow pants and a heavy winter jacket."  

So a little more talking and she followed me back to my apartment and I was able to bless her family with three pairs of boots (b/c I found another pair my mom had given me), two pair of nearly brand new snow pants, and a winter jacket.  

So happy they will get good use and a few less things I need to get rid of.  

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