Friday, February 16, 2018

Coming Home From the Frozen Tundra

I love, love, love spending time with my BFF and her family.  However, it's no secret that I don't love, love, love the weather there - or even like it.  So, while I was sadly disappointed that my time in Wisconsin was coming to an end, I was more than ready to get back to the land where 80* happen on the reg and you don't feel the need to ruuuunn  from car to building and building to car!  

This morning, before heading to the airport, I had my "physical."  As the doc pointed out, it's not really a physical but more of a "med check" appointment because every test and procedure that would normally be done at a yearly physical I will not do there because I pay out of pocket for this visit!  Anyway, everything went very well and I once again told him how amazing I felt and how, as time goes by, I think less often of my previous existence, but some times it still hits me how much difference the Tramadol has made in my life!  

We got to the airport very early and could not even check in yet so we went to grab some lunch at a pizza place until we could finally check the bags and go through security.  The thing about living in Orlando is that whenever you are flying home and back to work and reality, the majority of the people you are flying with are excitedly heading down there for their vacations - so that kind of sucks. just a week's time, those same people will have to fly back to their frozen lives while we get to stay down here and enjoy!!! So - I guess it all evens out.  

Anyway, our flight left a tad bit late but we still landed on time (7:30) and then everything went pretty smoothly as we retrieved our luggage and took a taxi home.  

The sunset as we were starting to descent.  

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