Thursday, June 29, 2017

Catching Up

Summer is creeping along and I find myself thinking more and more about going back to school.  I guess I am one of those people who thrive living on a schedule.  

I cut my hours at Huntington to Tuesday and Thursday evenings in anticipation of working at Universal on Wednesdays and Saturdays.  I thought this schedule would give me the best balance between work and free time.  The only problem is Universal has yet to put me in the schedule!  I am hoping to be on the schedule next week. 

Zack has started Math tutoring at Huntington so he comes to work with me and has his lessons from 5-6. I  generally work 4-6 or 5-7 and occasionally 4-5:30 or, like today, 4:30-6. It is expensive and I am pretty much working there just to pay for his lessons, but it is vital for him to understand Algebra and, as his mother, it is my responsibility to make sure he does so that he can graduate from High School!  I wish I could hep him but me and algebra = NO WAY!

While Zack and I have been yawn city - party of two - C.J. has been on a trip (his graduation present) to California with his dad *jealous*. I enjoy seeing some of the things they are doing.

They flew into LA, went to Disneyland for a few days, and are now driving up the California coast heading towards San Francisco.  Las Vegas is also on tap before they fly back to Orlando.  

And finally, the weather has improved lately and we are now back to our warm, humid, partly cloudy days, and a quick, passing rainstorm in the evening.  That surely beats the all day rain and the long stretch of days we never saw the sun - like - Not at all.  No exaggeration.  

I guess that's it for now. 

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