Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Overheard Recently

With the end, the school year definitely went out on a humorous note.  

Yesterday, one of my boys was mad at someone and wanted to call him a name to hurt his feelings so he said, "you're just a burnt potato."   I am still laughing about that one.  

Today I only had 7 of my 17 kids there so it was a basically a free day with lots of play time as I cleaned.  

The three girls decided to play house/school and these are the things I over heard...

"No!  Our parents don't really care about us.  We live alone."

Still playing school
 "I'll see you at lunch"  3 seconds later, "okay, it's lunchtime."  

"Pretend our mom went away - she said she was only going to be gone a day but instead she's been gone a year and now we have to find our dad."  

***Side note***
#1 and 3 would not be as funny if I did not know these girls came from good homes.  

After lunch, we played heads up/7-up and one of the boys guessed who put his thumb down immediately.  So this conversation occurred...
"you cheated"
"no, I didn't"
"you did too.  You looked"

wait for it.....

"no, i didn't.  I saw you with my mind"

Oh boy

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