Friday, September 20, 2013

24 Hours

After 24 hours taking the Tramadol and I have yet to feel any nerve pain today at all.  

Not one single time today did I feel any shooting pain throughout any part of my body.  So good.'s a good thing I was feeling well today because guess who got himself into trouble tonight?

Contemplating mischief

Yep...him.  He has this warped idea that we like it when he rolls around in unpleasant smells that he finds in our yard.

All the way up the neck and behind the ear

Feel lucky that you can't smell photos.  You'll have to just trust me - it was bad!  

Baths are difficult when he does this because the water just ends up smelling and washing him with stinking, smelling water is counterproductive.  

So today he got hosed down outside.  I felt terrible doing it because the water was cold...and I still had to put him in the tub and wash him again to get rid of the smell.

Getting ready for his first hose bath. He has no idea what's about to happen.

Trouble maker.

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