Friday, September 6, 2013


Jon's Stomatitis is just about gone - so that's good.  He has not said anything for a couple days so I assume he is feeling back to himself.

On my health front the pain in my pressure points have decreased substantially since going off the pain medication.  Who would've thought!

In the computer room I have been thrown a number of roadblocks and just when I think I have one solved...another one pops up.

The biggest issue has been the 8th grade.  There were more students than computers.   There were 21 of them and our IT guy (who has become my best friend this year) and I tried several different scenarios but couldn't get any more than 19 working computers in there. 

And even if we could manage to get 21 computers working we only had the network capability of supporting 20 computers so ----it wasn't really going to help. 

Then...they added another student.  Fine.  Make it 22 - it really didn't matter at this point.

Sooooo...yesterday my best friend IT guy came into school with a donation!  A network box that had the capacity for 40 computers!!!! I felt like it was my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one.

The two of us worked at setting up and fixing computers and the clouds parted and light began shining in the room and lo and behold there were 22 working computers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yah... that lasted only as long as this afternoon...when the 8th graders came in...each sat at their own computer...that was actually working....for the first time this year... eagerly working on their projects...and then blew a fuse! 

Apparently the addition of two more computers has overloaded the circuit.

Back to the drawing board.

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