Friday, November 2, 2012

My Husband Has Done Lost His Mind

For the past two months he has been growing something in our garden.  He was very protective of this green stuff, taking great pains to make sure we (dog included) stayed far away.  

It looked like lettuce and I was kinda stoked because we both have been eating a lot of the leafy greens lately.

Fast forward to today when hubby is puttering around in the garden.

Here he is picking the leafy greens out of the garden. is the crazy part...these plants are not for us at all!  Nope, he will be making an 8 hour round trip up north tomorrow just so he can spread these leaflets around his deer stand to lure the unsuspecting, innocent creatures.

Apparently, deer are terribly attractive to this particular plant...but we needed to stay away from it so as not to infiltrate it with our human scent.

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