Thursday, November 22, 2012


Who could not love the smell of a turkey roasting in your kitchen oven?

Yum...and stuffing and cranberries and, of course pumpkin pie.

And spending time with family. 

 We spent the day with hubby's family - thankful for being together while also acutely aware of the absence of his brother, Doug who was not well enough to be with us. We stopped in to see him before heading home and he was having one of his "good"days, which basically means he was lucid and able to follow a conversation.  He was still not able to open his eyes or get out of the hospital bed they now have in their living room and he fell asleep while we talked with him. 

Some pictures from our day:

 The cutest little cheerleader - my niece, Skylar

It was a good day.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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