Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Where's the Manual

I don't write this blog to be fake or to put on a false representation that everything is always peachy in our household.  I'm pretty sure those households don't exist anyway. Everyone has their own struggles at one point or another...either with marriage or children or money or whatever.

Right now, it's the children part here in our household.

Parenting littles was so easy.  Heck, I have a degree in Early Childhood Education...I was educated on discipline techniques that are effective for young children.  Also, the actual issues that are deserving of discipline are so easy...like not sharing toys, fighting with siblings, being sassy to parents.  Easy stuff! 

As my grandfather used to say, "Little kids - little problems.  Big kids - big problems."

Well, we are in the chartered waters of big problems.  And it has sent me scouring the internet for answers, searching the Bible for scriptural support, and wishing they made a manual for parenting teens.

Yes, Zack has found himself in the midst of big trouble by taking something from a teacher's desk without asking.   I am not even sure if the teacher realizes it is missing yet - that is not how I found out about it. And to Zack's credit, he was honest when I questioned him.  But, still, we have a serious issue on our hands.  This, in my book, is the same as if he walked right into someone's house and stole something. 

It is an embarrassing situation for me.  I mean, who wants to admit their child stole?  Not really something to call the grandparents and brag about!

 So, he's got some consequences at home, including writing an apology letter to the teacher and a confession letter to the principal and looking up scriptural verses on stealing  Tomorrow morning we will meet with the principal to see what steps the school wants to take.  I could have very well left the principal out of this but I want to make sure that Zack realizes this is a very serious offense. 
In the meantime:

We will get through this....we will get through this...we will get this.  Keep repeating!

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