Monday, December 19, 2011

Sun and Fun (and warmth) in the Sunshine State

That's right, was a balmy 73* today with rising temperatures on the horizon and you guessed it...I'm loving it!

We arrived in Florida last night after a rather uneventful drive - other than seeing about a dozen traffic accidents in Chicago and northern Indiana and an onstar malfunction in Southern Georgia which will be fixed next week with the installation of a new radio (under warranty).
It's good to be with family again.  To be in my old neighborhood and visit all the old haunts.  

Zack and my sister at the Ale House in Daytona Beach
Tomorrow we'll be going to Universal Studios courtesy of C.J. who gets free passes, free parking, and 50% off food because he works there. 
Hopefully I will be able to update intermittently even though my parents don't have internet.

Side note:  You would think that after two straight 12 hour days in the car the dog wouldn't want to get near it.  But not our was him this morning:

Unfortunately for him I was only moving the car onto the street.

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