Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Concert

It hardly feels like Christmas around here.  I think because there is no snow on the ground... and today it was a relatively balmy 43*.  I had my share of warm Christmases without snow, after all I have spent every Christmas in Florida since 1999 - either living there or visiting family -  but around here we expect snow and cold.  
But Christmas IS coming...and fast.  And tonight was the annual Middle/High School Choir concert.  I am used to going to this for C.J. but this year, Zack is in the Middle School Choir.

Zack sang as part of a quartet:

I had no idea that my son could sing so well!  He has a very deep bass voice and most of the time when he sings at home he uses more of a higher voice that doesn't sound the greatest.  Tonight he blew me away when he sang with his bass voice!!

It was another great concert.

**Not happy with my camera.  After getting back from Florida I need to save money for a really good camera.

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