Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Last Swim

Before we head back to freezing temperatures and maybe even (dare I say it) snow.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dancing Lights

I had read about this house in the local paper.  A letter to the editor that stated it was a must see.  Every evening at 7:00 and 8:00 the owners play music and put on a dancing lights show. So we went  tonight and I was expecting a couple songs but it went on for a full half hour!

The only negative that I could find was the music selection... a lot of Trans Siberian Orchestra and  similar music which was fine with me but the older folks (like my dad) didn't enjoy it.

The pictures do not do it justice but I took some anyway:

I Got the Magic in Me!

Last night I went with the boys to watch the Orlando Magic take on the New Jersey Nets.
The Magic play at the Amway Center in downtown Orlando.
To get to our nosebleed section seats you need to ride two steep escalators.
And this is what the floor looked like from our nosebleed seats.
Thank goodness for the zoom lens:
Poor Chris Humphries got booed for every single thing he did.  Just the mere mention of his name bought a loud, thunderous chorus of boos from the audience.  Just for marrying Kim Kardashian?  For the starting line-up for the Magic they used strobe lights:
The amazing jumbotron:
The Magic built a huge lead..lost it...then built another big lead.
Dwight Howard at the free throw line.

The boys were excited! maybe they didn't look like it.  Jon spent a lot of the time on his new phone.
He's not really into these sports outings.  I didn't buy his ticket so I didn't really care.

This thing came flying around every now and then:
And the final score:
Magic Win!

As a side note...we sat next to members of the University of Nebraska football team here to play in the Capital One Bowl.  I'm not sure what they thought of the game....they didn't really react one way or the other as far as cheering.  In fact, at one point, one of them fell asleep... but they were sure a nice, polite group of men.

I  discreetly snapped a picture:
We had a great night.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

An Afternoon...


In Orlando

And C.J. got the high score of the day with 519 passing yards in the football game.
A great afternoon with my boys.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Future Hustler

The clubhouse at my parent's retirement community has a pool table and we've been using it quite a bit. Zack has been developing his pool playing skills...he's improving for sure but I don't forsee a future for him as a pool hustler.

He prefers to use the pool stick as a shotgun:
While at the clubhouse I snapped a picture of these crazy people swimming - even though it was only 65* today...must be Canadians eh?

More Lights

This motel
in Holly Hill (near Daytona Beach) has an amazing light display.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Go Packers!

14-1 baby!!!!

Christmas Florida Style

The hottest Christmas I have had here with a high of about 83*

Just perfect for the annual football game - which was more of just a toss and catch.

Opening presents 

Playing pool in the clubhouse:

A wonderful turkey dinner:

The traditional picture in front of the tree:

And a little more football in the dark:

How was your Christmas?