Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Of Course...the ER

Don't you just love motel alarm clocks that go off at 2:30 in the morning? 

After the sudden awakening, Zack could not get back to sleep because his ear hurt...Finally, at 4:00 am I gave him a tylenol PM (all I had) and let him crawl in bed with me and he was out by 4:30.  Then, we all slept until 8:30.

And it was not a lovely scene to awaken to... blood all over the nice white motel pillow case where his ear had been resting.

So...down at the breakfast buffet I asked where the nearest ER was and we took a nice, scenic, 20 minute-out-of-our-way drive.

No big suprise that he had a perferated ear (again) and the other ear looked pretty bad too.

After we left the ER we decided to go through with our plans to visit the Astronaut Hall of Fame anyway.  And I'm so glad we did.  It was good.  We only stayed for a couple hours and then ate at a Burger King before driving back to Flagler Beach.  

Bedtime was another wonderful experience.  Zack could not get comfortable - even with Tylenol - and he was being ultra stubborn about taking the Tylenol with codeine he got at the ER because it was a liquid and not a pill!  But, finally, mom won out...and we were finally able to sleep by 12:30 am.

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